Available for immediate hire 60 day commitment


Tech Alchemy: Our Full-Stack Developers, are tech visionaries crafting end-to-end solutions. Proficient in front-end (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and back-end (Node.js, Python, Ruby on Rails) development, orchestrating digital symphonies using SQL and NoSQL databases, RESTful APIs, and microservices. They blend creativity with functionality, to engineer dynamic and efficient applications. Remoteli's developers redefine your digital landscape, leveraging cutting-edge tech stacks.

40 hours (per week)

full time subscription
£2,745.00 + VAT per month

20 hours (per week)

part time subscription
£1,645.00 + VAT per month

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Programming Languages: Mastery of programming languages like JavaScript, Python, Java, Ruby, PHP, or others, depending on the technology stack.

Front-End Development: Proficiency in HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, along with front-end frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js.

Back-End Development: Skill in server-side programming languages like Node.js, Java, Python, PHP, or others, along with expertise in database management.

Database Management Systems: Understanding of both relational databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL) and NoSQL databases (e.g., MongoDB) for data storage.

API Development: Proficiency in designing and implementing APIs using tools like Express.js, Flask, or Django.

Version Control Systems: Mastery of using Git and platforms like GitHub or GitLab for version control and collaborative development.

Server Configuration and Deployment: Familiarity with server management, deployment pipelines, and cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure, Heroku).

Front-End Frameworks and Libraries: Skill in using front-end frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js for efficient UI development.

Back-End Frameworks and Libraries: Proficiency in using back-end frameworks like Express.js (Node.js), Django (Python), or Ruby on Rails (Ruby).

Responsive Design Tools: Understanding of responsive design techniques and tools like Flexbox and CSS Grid.

UI/UX Design Tools: Basic knowledge of design tools like Adobe XD, Sketch, or Figma for collaborating with designers on UI/UX elements.

Testing Frameworks: Familiarity with testing frameworks like Jest, Mocha, or Jasmine for writing and running unit tests.

Package Managers: Skill in using package managers like npm or Yarn for managing front-end and back-end dependencies.

Task Runners and Build Tools: Proficiency in tools like Webpack, Gulp, or Grunt for automating build processes and tasks.

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment Tools: Understanding of CI/CD tools like Jenkins, Travis CI, or CircleCI for automating deployment pipelines.

Serverless Architecture: Basic knowledge of serverless computing platforms like AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, or Google Cloud Functions.

Web Accessibility Tools: Awareness of accessibility tools like aXe or Lighthouse for evaluating and improving web accessibility.

Browser Developer Tools: Proficiency in using browser developer tools for debugging, inspecting elements, and monitoring network activity.


End-to-End Development: Capable of working on both front-end and back-end components of web applications, handling the entire development process.

Front-End Skills: Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and front-end frameworks (e.g., React, Angular, Vue.js) to create user-friendly interfaces.

Back-End Skills: Mastery of server-side programming languages (e.g., Python, Java, Node.js), databases, and server management for robust back-end development.

Database Management: Expertise in working with databases, including designing schemas, querying data, and optimising performance.

API Development: Ability to design, build, and document APIs for smooth communication between front-end and back-end systems.

Server Configuration and Deployment: Familiarity with server configuration, deployment pipelines, and cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure, Heroku) for hosting applications.

Version Control and Collaboration: Skill in using Git and platforms like GitHub or GitLab for version control and collaborating with team members.

Responsive Design and User Experience: Understanding of responsive design principles and user experience best practices for creating engaging web applications.

Problem-Solving: Ability to troubleshoot issues, debug code, and find solutions to challenges in both front-end and back-end development.

Full-Stack Frameworks: Familiarity with full-stack frameworks like MEAN, MERN, or Django for streamlining development across the entire stack.

Agile Methodology: Experience working in Agile or Scrum environments, participating in sprints, and delivering iterative solutions.

Testing and Quality Assurance: Proficiency in writing unit tests, performing integration testing, and ensuring code quality and reliability.

Security Awareness: Understanding of web security best practices, including data encryption, authentication, and protection against vulnerabilities.

Continuous Learning: Stay updated with evolving technologies, tools, and trends to deliver innovative and up-to-date solutions.

How it works



Find the service and select the package best for you. Enter your company details and set up a payment method.



We will arrange an onboarding video call where you can will discuss expectations and meet your assigned employee and their manager.



Integrate your new Remoteli team into your company culture. Get to know your them, provide training materials and assign them tasks to get started in their new roles.



Our dedicated team takes proactive accountability for their roles, constantly striving for excellence and delivering phenomenal results.

Onboarding is made simple with Remoteli, once you subscribe you will be contacted within an hour to welcome you and arrange a convenient time for you to meet your new assistant.

No, you simply pay your subscription fee only. We cover all additional costs such as annual leave, sick pay, pension contributions and employee benefits.

We encourage frequent communication between clients and assistants by video calls, email and/or slack. Tasks can be set directly on Remoteli's task management system or by assigning new tasks on a shared document or in your weekly update.

We encourage our clients to prepare an initial task list or job specification prior to the onboarding call, this will help give clear direction for the assistant and ensure they can begin performing immediately.

Our assistants are available to work within your company working hours. As Ghana is in the GMT timezone we can support standard business hours without requiring our staff to work unsociable hours.

Yes, our assistants all have excellent written and verbal English skills, we even have some bi-lingual assistants who can support French speaking clients too.

Our assistants are all based in our Operations Office in Accra, Ghana. Even though we support remote working for our clients, we felt that our team needed a team environment and culture to thrive.

Remoteli is focused on hiring the best candidates available in Ghana and supporting graduates, meaning every assistant has a university degree and a minimum of 3 years of working experience in a similar role.

Looking for something?

We have a talent pool of over 7,000 people. So if you have a specific requirement not covered by the options above, let us know and we will see if we can find the right person.
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